SXCC Sunday Crits | A Grade | 9AM | 45mins + 2 laps | Waratah Park Crit Circuit | 50 | $10.00 | BOOK NOW |
SXCC Sunday Crits | B Grade | 9AM | 40mins + 2 laps | Waratah Park Crit Circuit | 50 | $10.00 | BOOK NOW |
SXCC Sunday Crits | C Grade | 8:15am | 35min | Waratah Park Crit Circuit | 50 | $10.00 | BOOK NOW |
SXCC Sunday Crits | D Grade | 8:15am | 30min | Waratah Park Crit Circuit | 50 | $10.00 | BOOK NOW |
SXCC Sunday Crits | Juniors | 10:00AM | various | Waratah Park Crit Circuit | 50 | $5.00 | BOOK NOW |
Course will be at the discretion of the commissaires and can be on Track 2, Track 3 or a combination of both.
**Jnr Racing from 10:00 onwards
- $5 entry for those doing jnr races only
- any Jnrs racing in open races are to enter in their appropriate grade. There is no need to enter again as a jnr.
Format and grades racing together can vary slightly week to week, depending on numbers.
SIGN ON: from 7:15am.
Entries will be available on the day if spots are remaining, debit/credit card facilities are available.
PARKING: plenty available at the track and surrounding ovals. When entering off Rawson Ave, proceed to southern end of car park.
TOILETS: available at track
WARM UP: limited warm-up available on track however surrounding streets are suitable for warm-up.
- This event is held entirely around a closed criterium bike track that is booked by Southern Cross Cycling Club (SXCC) through Sutherland Shire Council.
- The bike track is within Waratah Park Reserve and therefore the public do have access to surrounding public ovals.
- Rubbish must not be discarded and gel wrappers etc must be properly disposed of.
- Participants must hold a current RACE Auscycling Licence and present it prior to the race if requested. Triathlon Australia and Mountain Bike Australia are not recognised RACE licences. Participants must wear an ASA compliant helmet.
- The event is held in accordance with AucCycling Rules & Regulations. Participants must adhere to rules and directions of Commissaries. Decisions on grading are at the discretion of the SXCC handicapper and their decision is final.
- It is the responsibility of all riders to ensure they are not on the Medical Suspension list, or suspended from racing for any other reason.
- Refunds will be made if the event is cancelled due to weather, or other safety reasons. Refunds will not be made where an entrant is a no-show.
- All riders entering a sanctioned AusCycling event acknowledge that they engage in that event at their own risk and that cycling and cycle racing can be considered a dangerous sport which can result in injury out of an act or omission of the rider, other riders, spectators and other obstacle, and track conditions. Whilst all reasonable care is taken by organisers and officials when organising the event; all participating cyclists have an equal responsibility to ensure they take all reasonable care in adhering to the rules and other conditions imposed by officials ensuring a safe race environment for all concerned.
- For information about this event, please contact the 'Event Organiser'
Event date: 06/04/2025
Time: 8:15AM
Entries open: 31/03/2025
Entries close: 05/04/2025
Sutherland Bike Track, 42 Rawson Pde, Sutherland NSW 2232
president@southerncrosscc.com.au, clubhand@southerncrosscc.com.au
Buncheur Hall of Fame
To join a club, please contact the club or local governing body, which can be found at: WWW.CYCLING.ORG.AU
For refunds/grade changes/event enquiries, please contact the host club directly.
All of the data and the datasets provided through Advocacy Buncheur (collectively, the Datasets) have been compiled from numerous different sources and from direct input from cyclists. Major League Systems Pty Ltd, ACN 621 664 113, trading as Buncheur (Buncheur) does not guarantee that the Datasets are accurate, complete, comprehensive or up-to-date. You are responsible for independently checking the accuracy of any of the Datasets, or any part of them, you wish to use.
To the extent permitted by law, Buncheur disclaims and excludes all representations or warranties, express or implied, with regard to the Datasets including any warranties with regard to non-infringement. The Datasets are made available on the condition that neither Buncheur nor any of its officers, employees or agents will have any liability of any nature to any user of Advocacy Buncheur for any loss, damage, cost or expense, whether direct, indirect, consequential or special, caused in whole or part by any person using or relying on the Datasets (or any part of them).
By accessing Advocacy Buncheur you agree that you will use the Datasets only for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not infringe the rights of any other person or inhibit the use of Advocacy Buncheur by any other person.
Sources used for the Datasets include: